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Quick solutions to make working from home easier

Helping the health of your body, mind and emotions.

For many people, living on video calls is not the life they have dreamed of. It has been a difficult year in many ways and that has had an impact on the physical, mental and emotional health of all who have been subjected to a life of working from home.

 More than half a year without visiting a cafe, without going for a walk in a park or without going around the office, can become really tiring, that's why talking about how to change the sedentary habits that have been generated throughout these months, is one of the most talked about topics today.




For example, we all love to sit down, it is more comfortable to perform almost any activity, but spending more than 8 hours sitting, believe it or not, can be exhausting. Poor posture can be extremely harmful to our body and our health, so although it may seem exaggerated, learning to sit properly is one of the tasks that we want to propose to you for these days.

 A good idea to constantly remind yourself to move or change your posture is using your phone or a whiteboard. Try to think of activities that require you to move beyond just getting up to go to the bathroom. An opportunity can be in a video call where you don't necessarily have to be seated. Take the opportunity to get up and take a walk around the house. Your body and mind will appreciate it!.

