Bosses who become true tyrants
If some bosses were already inflexible, demanding and complaining whenever and wherever without being in difficult times for society in general, in the current situation it has not been a surprise that the scenery only worsen, and that is why today there are many employees who are suffering the consequences that not everything is wonderful working from home.
On the second hand, putting ourselves in the place of the bosses or owners of companies, the current situation has presented a gray perspective for business. Certainly, there were more than a few who put their hands to their heads thinking about how to save their lifelong businesses and investments made before the global emergency have ocurred. Without a doubt, anyone would be stressed.
But, this being true, it is not a reason to end up venting it out with the employees who, on a smaller scale, have been subjected to a situation never imagined. Currently, people who worked 6 or 8 hours, are now working more hours a day from home. Likewise, there are those who are being forced to comply with strict daily schedules, with cases in which, if they do not report to the boss at 7:00 a.m., it could even result in a threat of dismissal.
No matter who you are, owner, employer or employee, we are all part of this moment, and we are all living the consequences and benefits of it. Let's learn to see beyond personal interests and to find a solution that is favorable to everyone.