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Why the home office is eco-friendly

The planet has experienced a change for the better.

One of the biggest and least talked about benefits of working from home is how relevant is to nature. Without a doubt, working at home does not stop revolutionizing the world, and although it has its disadvantages, it is undoubtedly incredibly favorable for the ecosystem, so if you are one of those who care a lot about recycling and avoid doing things that damage the ozone layer, rejoice to live in the era of working at home.

Among the improvements in the ecosystem that can be named are:

Reduction of CO2 emissions: thanks to the fact that when working from home, the use of vehicles to get around is avoided.



Less use of paper and plastic: paper has been a fundamental part of the world's industries and companies, but with the home office its use was greatly lessened, being replaced by the use of emails. In the case of plastic, it was also greatly reduced, given that the number of employees buying their meals or drinks daily was reduced.

Decrease in environmental pollution: both thanks to the reduction in traffic, as well as the decrease in the hours of activity of factories and other industries, environmental pollution decreased. Also, noise pollution was also greatly reduced, this being a great achievement for the environment.



Energy savings in offices: energy consumption in offices is undoubtedly extremely high, with so much equipment, lights and weathering systems that have a high energy consumption. That’s why when working from home great savings were achieved in these spaces during the days of the pandemic.

Now that we are returning to offices, we must not forget that we can still take care of the planet and that when working from home we must also remember to be responsible with the planet, but we will talk about that another time.