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The versatility of workspaces

The office as a multifaceted place.

Delimiting and planning a workspace involves reflecting on its uses and the diversity of tasks that will be carried out in that environment. This implies considering the needs of the people who will work on it, from the point of view of functionality, collaboration and physical and mental well-being.

Far were the companies that only had work cubicles and a tiny cafeteria area. Nowadays, when configuring workspaces, considering the other needs of workers, work teams must have the tools and furniture necessary to carry out their day comfortably.



Without realizing it, the number of activities that are carried out in the same workspace is so diverse that, in effect, they need spaces that are coherently configured.

Ideally, the layout and furniture can accommodate all kinds of tasks and activities, taking into account different work styles: concentration, privacy, socialization, collaboration, and learning. Also individual tasks, meetings, and videoconferences, the usual lunch break, collaborative work, or team meetings, all this being possible in the same space.



The workspaces are extraordinarily versatile since they combine space and furniture solutions that are at the service of a work style that advocates flexibility, dynamic and creativity, ensuring that workers retain an open mindset and are eager to innovate.

An example of progressive and versatile office spaces are those of the Pasona company, specifically, its facilities in Tokyo, Japan. These offices have a gym, private restaurants/dining rooms, and even a farm within their facilities, all designed to guarantee the physical and mental well-being of their employees. Pasona is one of the companies with the most active personnel currently in the world, with 4,000 employees only in that office and with more than 9,000 worldwide, and even with this large number of people, they do not contain themselves to guarantee the happiness and comfort of their employees.