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3 etiquette and protocol tips for the office in 2022

Reinventing the post-pandemic working formula

The world continues to experience changes in health measures and reinventing itself is the solution that business spaces need to continue their activities without having to undergo remote work again, which is why no one doubts that hybrid workspaces are here to stay.

The truth is that a hybrid workspace is not easier to carry than a normal one, these types of environments need to follow a more extensive series of rules of etiquette and protocol. This does not mean that the interpersonal relationships of the workforce would become less flexible, on the contrary, more explicit rules can benefit the optimization of activities and work relationships, generating a sense of inclusion and belonging.



Let's see the tips to understand how it is possible to create a safe and beneficial work environment for employees in today's times:

  • Reliable schedules.

Developing transparent face-to-face and remote shift schedules will help develop a fluid and reliable communication system. Having a well-established shift schedule will help employees to know who will be in the office and who will be at home, in addition to speeding up the implementation of spaces and equipment, establishing whether they are available or not.



  • Learn to listen.

Installing microphones in spaces where you work exchanging ideas out loud, and not just in conference rooms, will be more than necessary. Through these spaces with microphones, those employees who are working remotely will know the conversations and will also be able to take part in them directly. It is important that, once the microphones are installed, the staff are told to avoid making noise so that communication is not interrupted at any time.



  • Clear and effective communication.

This tip is divided into three:

Assign a person to be aware of what is happening with remote communication, to check the cameras and filter the content that does not contribute anything relevant.

Pause to review the communications and timing of those who are working remotely and those who are in the office. Are they all online? Is the chat being monitored? It may seem a bit cumbersome at first, but once the system is in place, the order will become natural.



Close conversations and conferences with clarity, avoid leaving unfinished topics and always make a quick summary of what has been discussed and the ideas established, in this way all participants will be synchronized and without unnecessary doubts.